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Mandatory Vaccination on Australian Worksites

Written by Alloc8 | Sun, Oct 24, 2021

As Australia looks towards a period of Covid-19 recovery, workplace regulations are changing in an effort to support this.

While Covid-19 vaccines have not been made mandatory in Australia, many employees now need to be vaccinated in order to work on business premises across the country. 

Different states and territories have different rules. For example, from October 11, 2021, anyone working in entertainment, recreation or hospitality businesses in New South Wales will need to be vaccinated, along with staff members in a number of other public-facing industries. In Victoria, rule changes from October 15 require strict record-keeping for employers, as well as mandating vaccines for anyone working outside of their place of residence.

This risks creating something of a headache for business owners across Australia, especially among those already ravaged by the pandemic. Fortunately, workforce scheduling software can help to ease the transition, facilitating a positive solution to the Covid-19 vaccine conundrum.

Keep Track of Regulatory Requirements

Regulatory requirements can and do change — the rule changes listed above both took place in the first weeks of October and may shift again in the future. What's more, if you are operating across state or territory boundaries, you may find yourself bound by different regulations. With automated features, scheduling software platforms like Alloc8 can make sure that the latest regulations are adhered to.

Manage Covid-19 Vaccine Statuses

Which jobs specific to your organisation carry a vaccine requirement? Which members of your team are fully vaccinated? With Alloc8, you will be able to store and leverage this data, scheduling the right personnel and matching them to the right jobs.

Schedule Covid-19 Testing

You may need to schedule Covid-19 tests for your workforce. This may be to provide peace of mind and improve morale following a localised outbreak, or it could be to keep your business in line with regulation in your area. Whatever the reason, you can craft tailored forms for your workforce, capturing Covid-19 testing data for your files. You can also schedule testing around your employees' working hours, minimising inconvenience for the affected employees and for your business as a whole.

Provide Supporting Documents

The Alloc8 workforce scheduling platform supports uploading and management of document files and images. This can be very important in achieving peace of mind for employees and clients alike, who may want to know that a robust system of Covid-19 testing and vaccination checking is in place. These files may also be necessary for compliance. As mentioned above, business owners in Victoria need to be able to provide documentary evidence and records when requested, and Alloc8 makes storage and management of these documents simple and straightforward.

Look Forward to Covid-19 Recovery with Alloc8 Workplace Scheduling Software

While Covid-19 vaccine regulations may provide short-term difficulties for business owners, it is hoped that they will accelerate the road to recovery. With Alloc8 on your side, you will be able to navigate these difficulties with relative ease. 

Take a demo of the platform today, or reach out to our team to discover more.