The Most Important Tech Trends of 2019
Posted by Alloc8, Thu, Dec 12, 2019

Technology is rapidly evolving and every year there's exponential growth in the tech industry, with advancements in products and systems changing how we do things. This year was no exception. Here are our top five picks for the most important tech trends of 2019.
1. Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) touches all of our lives each day, be it through personalised news delivered as push notifications, seeing photos and videos on social media about the exact thing you swore to only be just thinking about, or pre-empting what you’re going to write in your next email. The use of AI exploded in 2019, with an estimated worldwide spend of $35.8 billion on artificial intelligence systems this year, an increase of 44% over 2018.
Why should you care? Machine learning will continue to serve you more refined and relevant content, news, and digital experiences ensuring your interactions with tech are exactly what you want.
2. Facial recognition
One of the most significant developments this year in tech was the widespread adoption of facial recognition. Millions of iPhone X and Google Pixel users now interact with facial recognition each day to unlock their devices, make payments and install apps. Governments, border control bodies and police and military units around the globe now use it to track down criminals, observe suspicious behaviour, and monitor its citizens. This technology is not without controversy, with many people around the world expressing a concern in the potential privacy breaches associated with collecting and storing facial recognition data. Like with any technological development, there are pros and cons, and so long as facial recognition is used with
Why should you care? Facial recognition will continue to make using technology even easier. Will this mark the end of having to remember complex passwords for every platforms?
3. 5G data networks
5G is the fifth generation of cellular network technology. To show the impact of this change, 4G was a 5x improvement in speed over 3G, while 5G is a 10-100x improvement in speed over the more popular 4G data network. This year saw Telstra launch a limited 5G network in parts of Melbourne and Sydney, with other regions set to follow next year.
Why should you care? 5G means you can access more information online in less time than ever before. Slow internet will soon be a thing of the past!
4. Computer vision
Computer vision is the ability for artificially intelligent systems to see things like a human would, and has been growing in popularity across all sectors during the last few years. This year there was a surge in computer vision solutions providing quality control in medical devices, food and drink, pharmaceuticals and the automotive industry.
Why should you care? Whilst it seems futuristic, computer vision already touches the lives of millions. It's the driving force behind driverless cars, the Google translate app and even Snapchat filters.
5. The Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to devices in our homes and businesses going online and being enabled to communicate and pass on information. Researchers estimate that in 2019 there are a staggering 20 billion IoT devices in circulation. One huge advancement in the IoT this year was the expansion of driverless transport across the globe. The first driverless train line in Australia successfully launched in Sydney this year, with more driverless fleet planned.
Why should you care? Want to dim your lights without getting up? Or see what's in your fridge without opening it? Or answer the front door from any room in your house? If so, you'll need an IoT device. And with 20 billion already in circulation, it's inevitable that you'll be adopting it in one way or another.
At Alloc8, we’re moving with the speed of technology, and constantly adapting our product so your business can keep evolving as the times do. To find out more about how you could be better using technology to streamline your business processes, contact us today.