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The Ultimate Safety Checklist: Is Your Work Environment Safe?

Written by Alloc8 | Mon, Oct 7, 2019

Every workplace in Australia has risks, whether you work indoors or outdoors, on a laptop, or with heavy machinery.  We’ve put together the ultimate checklist to help you determine if your workplace is safe. 

Equipment, machinery and tools 
  • Is the correct equipment always used for each job? 
  • Have operators of tools, equipment and machinery been trained in their use? 
  • Are all tools and machinery properly guarded? 
  • Are stop/start switches clearly marked and positioned within easy reach of the operator? 
  • Do operators hold current licences to perform work that requires certification? 
  • Has provision been made to safely store or dispose of waste off-cuts? 
  • Is there enough work space around machinery? Are tools, equipment and machinery regularly maintained? (in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions) 
  • Is there a process to ensure that tools and machinery are switched off before maintenance and cleaning is carried out and cannot be inadvertently started by other workers during maintenance and cleaning? 
  • Are unsafe or faulty tools, equipment or machinery reported immediately? 
  • Are unsafe or faulty tools, equipment or machinery removed from use until they are repaired or replaced? 
  • Are repairs always carried out by authorised and competent persons? 
  • Are health and safety risks considered before modification or alteration of any tools, equipment or machinery? 
  • Do you safely store waste, particularly if near machinery and equipment? 

  • Have you made sure people cannot slip or trip when they move around? (e.g. on oil, grease, water, leads, hoses, cables) 
  • Have appropriate fall prevention methods been implemented for all tasks that are undertaken at height? (e.g. guard rails, scaffolds, harness systems) 
  • Can traffic and people move safely around the worksite? (e.g. walkways clearly marked, barriers to separate vehicles from walkways, unobstructed vision at intersections) 
  • Is it easy to get in and out of the workplace safely? (e.g. exits clearly marked and unobstructed) 
  • Are stairs, ladders and platforms safe? (e.g. fixed handrails, ladders secure when in use, anti-slip treads) 
  • Are vehicle drivers trained and aware of hazards? 
  • Do vehicle drivers have safe schedules? 
  • Are traffic managers facing oncoming traffic?
  • Do traffic managers have the relevant PPE on?
  • Is there correct signage and equipment?
  • If hazard beacons are in use, are they flashing?
  • Are all loads safely secured? 
  • Is the workplace clean and tidy (eg. is there a routine for cleaning, rubbish bin emptying)? 
  • Is there ample storage for equipment, tools, samples, stock, ingredients and product?
  • Are all pipes labelled, have enough support and have no leaks, drips or corrosion?
  • Are work areas safe from protruding sharp edges or objects? 
  • Is there enough light for people to do each task safely and without eye strain or glare? 
  • Is there adequate air and ventilation to ensure good air quality? 
  • Is the workplace at a comfortable working temperature? 
  • Are adequate amenities (toilets, dining area) provided? 
  • Are walkways and stairs kept clear and safe (eg. steps and handrails secure and anti-slip treads)? 

  • Is there sufficient lighting for the performance of tasks?
  • Are employees able to control incoming natural light?
  • Is artificial lighting causing reflections from work surfaces or shadows over the task?
  • Do employees find they have tired, sore or irritated eyes at the end of a day?

  • Is noise a problem in the workplace?
  • Is it difficult to hear a normal voice within a 1-metre distance?
  • Are there distracting or disruptive noises in the area?
  • How well do screens or partitions control noise?

Indoor Air Quality
  • Are there problems or complaints about temperature, draughts, odours or lack of fresh air?
  • Do staff suffer from dry, irritated eyes at the end of the day?
  • Does the office seem stuffy?
  • Do staff find the temperature cold, hot or fluctuating?

  • Are workstations adequately designed for the tasks being performed?
  • Is there sufficient space at the workstation for documents to be spread out within easy reach?
  • Is there easy access to equipment such as a telephone and keyboard?
  • Is there adequate and safe height adjustability of work surfaces?
  • Are workstations and equipment set up to reduce awkward postures?
  • Are the desks suitable for the tasks to be performed?
  • Do standing workstations meet the needs of the users?
  • Are standing workstations suitable for a range of users?
  • Is there sufficient width and depth for the tasks being carried out?
  • Is there provision for sitting at this workstation where short periods of continuous work are required?
  • Is there suitable seating provided at a standing workstation?
  • Are the chairs stable in access and egress?
  • Are the visitors’ chairs adequate for the number and type of visitors?
  • Do these chairs need to be hardy or soft and comfortable?
  • Are the reception chairs suitable for the tasks that need to be carried out?
  • Are the reception chairs adjustable from the seated position?
  • Do multiple operators use the reception chairs?
  • Do the keyboard operator chairs provide support and comfort to all individual operators?
  • Are these chairs adjustable in height and backrest angle from the seated position?
  • Do the executive chairs provide adequate support during the performance of all tasks?
  • What degree of adjustability do the existing chairs provide?
  • What degree of adjustability for individual fit is required?
  • Is there a need for foot rests?
  • Which operators require foot rests?
  • Are document holders provided?
  • What range of document holders should be tried to meet the needs of the different users?
  • Is staff trained to adjust their workstation and chair?

Chemicals and other hazardous substances 
  • Is there an up-to-date list of all chemicals used? (e.g. cleaning products, paints, solvents, degreasers, petrol, inks, toner, oil, adhesives, acids, acrylics, pesticides)
  • Do you have information about these hazardous substances (eg. a material safety data sheet)? 
  • Are MSDS / SDS readily available to employees? 
  • Have you assessed the risk of exposure (e.g. via inhalation, skin contact, ingestion) during transport, storage and use of the chemicals? 
  • Are all hazardous substances, medications and containers clearly labelled?
  • Are chemicals and other hazardous substances stored safely? (e.g. in specific storage rooms or cabinets, separated from other reactive substances, away from ignition sources) 
  • Have all employees received training and instruction on the safe use, handling, transport and storage of all hazardous substances? 
  • Is there adequate ventilation and fume extraction? 
  • Have you ensured that chemicals and hazardous substances cannot spill, leak or otherwise escape into the environment during storage, handling and transport? 
  • Are gas cylinders stored upright, secure, away from heat and ignition sources and in a ventilated area? 
  • Is monitoring and health surveillance undertaken if required? 
  • Are chemicals and hazardous substances disposed of correctly? 
  • Is appropriate personal protective equipment provided? (e.g. gloves, respirators)
  • Are hazardous substances stored in accordance with the MSDS / SDS? 
  • Do you ensure there is no risk of infection from animals, humans (blood and body fluid), waste or rubbish? 
  • Is spraying work only done by trained people? 
  • Are warning signs displayed near outdoor spraying work? 
  • Is the correct PPE used for spraying (eg. gloves, footwear, coveralls, respirators and masks)?

Welding and cutting 
  • Are welding and cutting tasks only done by trained people? 
  • Is the risk of fire and explosion controlled? 
  • Are welding and cutting equipment, cables, and compressed gas cylinders checked for defects, rust and leakage?

Confined spaces 
  • Have all confined spaces been identified? Note: A confined space is a limited or restricted means of entry and exit, and may contain harmful atmospheres or stored substances that pose a risk to employees working in them. 
  • Are there permits for entering or working in a confined space (eg. no corrosive or dangerous substances, supply lines cut-off, moving parts locked out, natural or mechanical ventilation, air quality checked, enough lighting, standby person, emergency and rescue procedures and equipment)? 
  • Are only trained people with a confined space entry permit enter a confined space?

Work at heights 
  • Have all tasks to be done at height been identified (eg. access to areas for repair, maintenance, cleaning or inspection, operation and maintenance of equipment)? 
  • Has fall prevention been put in place (eg. guardrails, scaffolds or other temporary work platforms, harness systems)? 
  • Are stock, materials and displays stored or stacked at an easily reachable height or are ladders or steps required? 
  • Do you ensure unstable or inappropriate objects/ladders/steps are not used? For example, a chair used as ladder, a straight ladder used on smooth surfaces, or a straight ladder used to get stock from racking. 
  • Are ladders or steps used incorrectly? For example, reaching too far to either side, standing on the top rung of a ladder, used on uneven floor surfaces, or a rung ladder used without being secured, or at too shallow or too steep an angle. 

  • Are electrical leads, plugs, sockets and switches in good condition? (e.g. not frayed or damaged) 
  • Have you ensured there are no electrical leads lying across floors? 
  • Have you ensured there are no double adaptors used? 
  • Are electrical leads and power boards checked and tagged as safe?
  • Are the location of powerlines and cables checked before digging, drilling, using cranes or other similar work?
  • Is portable electrical equipment fitted with residual current devices? 
  • Are non-conductive portable ladders used near electrical equipment or powerlines?

  • Is smoking discouraged as part of the workplace culture? 
  • Is there a smoke-free policy that addresses exposure to passive smoke and are people aware of this policy? 
  • Is smoking restricted on the worksite (including work vehicles)? 
  • Are Quit smoking programs and messages promoted? 

Unhealthy food and drink habits 
  • Is healthy food and drink an accepted part of the workplace culture? 
  • Are facilities available for staff to bring healthy food from home and eat it at work? (e.g. cooler bags, fridge, cutlery) 
  • Is there a policy for safe working in heat that encourages drinking water? 
  • Is there easy access to healthy food and drink at work and shops near work? 
  • Is information available on healthy eating and drinking to manage fatigue and stay fit for work? 

Alcohol and drugs 
  • Is responsible alcohol or drug consumption an accepted part of the workplace culture? 
  • Does your work provide support for isolated workers who have extended separation from family or friends? 
  • Do you have a drug and alcohol policy and are staff familiar with it? 
  • At work functions, do you consider responsible provision of alcohol including food and nonalcoholic drinks? 
  • Do you promote safe consumption of alcohol messages and the use of support services such as the Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS)?

Physical inactivity and screen time 
  • Are work tasks designed to include healthy dynamic muscular movement, including large limb and trunk movement to encourage circulation? 
  • Are workstations and/or equipment designed to encourage the above? 
  • Are tasks designed to encourage frequent eye movement and change of focus? 
  • Are regular walking or stretching breaks an accepted part of the workplace culture? Is information available on the benefits of activity and regular movement? (e.g. stretching regularly at work) 
  • Is information available on local physical activity opportunities? 

Mental health 
  • Does the workplace encourage a culture where work-related stresses and struggles can be discussed in an open and supportive/constructive manner? 
  • Do workers indicate that they are able to cope with the demands of the job? 
  • Have you provided sufficient support to your workers? (e.g. management, training, coaching) 
  • Do you provide workers with opportunities to have a say about the way they do their job? 
  • Do you educate staff in relation to acceptable behaviours and how to report unacceptable behaviours? 
  • Have you clarified job descriptions appropriately so workers understand their role?
  • Have you communicated and managed any business changes effectively? 
  • Do you promote a fair and positive work environment? 
  • Do you recognise and reward workers efforts? 
  • Do you monitor workers for signs of fatigue and take appropriate action to address risk factors? 
  • Is coaching available for those suffering from work stress? (e.g. an Employee Assistance Program that allows workers to access counselling confidentially that the employer pays for)
  • Are regular breaks taken?

Emergency procedures and first aid 
  • Are there procedures to cover emergencies such as fire, explosion, chemical spill, flood, medical emergency, machinery accidents, motor vehicle accidents and robbery? 
  • Have those in charge of emergency situations (such as floor wardens, fire wardens and first aid officers) been trained? 
  • Are exit and assembly points accessible? 
  • Are evacuation plans on display in a prominent area? 
  • Do exit doors open easily from inside, including cold storeroom doors? 
  • Do you hold regular emergency drills? 
  • Is all emergency equipment in place and working (eg. smoke or heat detectors, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, duress and other alarms, emergency lighting)?
  • Are first aid officers appropriately trained? 
  • Are these qualifications maintained? 
  • Do your employees know who and where your first aid officers are? 
  • Do you keep records of first aid provided?

If you answered no to any of the above questions, make sure you address it promptly with the relevant Work Safety officer at your work.

An easy way to stay compliant is to set up a custom safety checklist form in Alloc8 that can be attached to individual jobs. These can be set as mandatory, and can be easily digitally signed by workers and clients before the commencement of a job. This ensures your workers and their environment is kept safe, and keeps your business compliant. 

To find out more about how you can keep your workplace safe and streamline your business with Alloc8, book a demo with us today.